Full name*

    Where do you live?

    * Required field

    Contact information

    These are the ways we can exchange information

    * Required field

    Step #2

    About the course of Hormone Yoga Therapy method Dinah Rodrigues that you took, please answer:

    Who was the organizer?

    Where did you take the course (location)?*

    When did you take the course (year)?*

    * Required field

    Which modalities did you specialize in?

    Please indicate all that apply to you

    Step #3

    Ah, that's good. You are pre-qualified to participate in our Hormonal Therapy Yoga Reference Center.
    We ask that you fill in the information below:

    Which modalities did you specialize in?

    Please indicate all that apply to you

    Write a short bio

    Maximum size 1,600 characters not counting spaces

    Send a photo

    Send a photo of your face with neutral background, color, in JPG, JPEG, PNG size 600x600.

    * Required field

    Send your certificate of specialization*

    .pdf, .png, .jpg, .jpeg


    By submitting your registration, you agree with all the rules presented here and declare that the information provided is true.

    Terms of use

    * Required field

    NYTH Community Studies and Research Center. Are you a Hormonal Yoga Therapist? Then, participate!